
Shanty Hollow Falls

Shanty Hollow Falls

Shanty Hollow Falls is located about a half hour north of Bowling Green KY so it’s an easy day trip for us from Nashville. We decided to celebrate the New Year with this visit.

Giant stone boot or maybe tugboat on the trail to the waterfall.
Side waterfall near Shanty Hollow Falls
Light rain this day caused this dribble curtain of sorts on the rock walls near the falls.
Debbie near the base of the falls.
Shanty Hollow Falls
Shanty Hollow Falls

The light rain turned to a pretty hard rain for 15 minutes, so we sought shelter just a short ways back on the trail under the roof of this rock house.

Shelter from the rain – if you look hard you can make out the falls in the background in the top of the picture right of the center.

The rain subsided and we walked back to the falls to take the selfie below.