
Lower Turtletown Falls, Upper Turtletown Falls & Coker Creek Falls

Deb & Dave at Coker Creek Falls
Lower Turtletown Falls
Upper Turtletown Falls – there is supposed to be a way to get closer to these falls but we could not find it.
Sign saying 3 miles to Coker Creek Falls – the description said we would be less than one tenth mile away. We discovered that Google Maps led us to the wrong part of Coker Creek. But we referred to the latitude/longitude numbers and finally found the right place

Although these pics of the 7 Sisters below look relatively mundane, we really loved this spot. We were the ONLY people there, and ALL of these “sisters” were very close together, covering only about 1/10th mile of the creek.

First of the “7 Sisters” making up Coker Creek Falls.
Sister 2
Sister 2
Sister 3
Sister 4
Sisters 5-7
Sisters 5-7
Sisters 5-7
Odd but colorful spider that Debbie noticed on the car after our return from the falls.